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2017-07-25 17:51:58 文章來源:www.81577.com.cn

Imitation marble UV board for a wide range of applications, by many people's favorite, it is in home decoration and many other decorative industries are widely used, so that the environmental protection of imitation marble UV decorative board how to choose? Imitation marble UV board manufacturers Xiaobian, let us understand it!
1, in the purchase should pay attention to the manufacturer's factory name, site, trademark is complete. Because only the fully labeled sheet to get the proper quality assurance.

2, the surface without obvious defects. The plate surface should be smooth, without burr grooves and planer marks, no glue penetration phenomenon, surface without local yellow, black and other pollution phenomenon.
3、區分人造和天然貼面。通常人造薄木單板貼面的紋理基本為通直紋理,紋理圖案有規則; 而天然木質單版貼面為天然木質花紋,紋理圖案自然而無規則,變異性比較大。
3, distinguish between artificial and natural veneer. Usually the man-made wood veneer texture is straight texture, texture patterns and rules; natural wood veneer for the single version of natural wood texture pattern, natural pattern and irregular variability is relatively large.
4、無開膠現象。膠和強度充分反映了板材膠合性能的優劣,膠合強度值約高,膠合性能就越好。 在選擇板材時,應注意裝飾板膠層結構穩定、無開膠現象。
4, no glue phenomenon. Fully reflects the strength and adhesive bonding performance of sheet metal quality, higher bonding strength value, the better the performance bond. In the choice of plate, should pay attention to decorative plate layer structure is stable, without glue phenomenon.
5, the smell should be light. The adhesive used in the decorative board is mainly urea formaldehyde resin. After the decorative board is processed, a small amount of formaldehyde is left in the material and gradually released. This smell is very harmful to the human body.
6、注意含水率。通常裝飾單版貼面膠合板要求有一定的含水率,其含水率越接近使用地區的平衡含水率越好。 含水率過高或過低,裝飾板都會在環境溫度變化影響下出現較大的變形。
6, pay attention to water content. Usually, decorative veneer plywood requires a certain moisture content, and the moisture content is closer to the equilibrium moisture content in the use area. If the moisture content is too high or too low, the decorative board will appear larger deformation under the influence of the environmental temperature change.
7. Observe the texture structure. In the case of other items are satisfactory, but also pay attention to the material should be detailed and uniform, clear color, beautiful grain.
This article by imitation marble UV board, friendship dedication, more relevant knowledge, please click: http://www.81577.com.cn, we will use the most advanced technology, the most sincere attitude, to provide you with the most comprehensive services. We will continue to dedicate to you, please look forward to.