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2016-05-17 17:53:08 文章來源:www.81577.com.cn

The effect of iron bearing minerals on the granite is in addition to iron sulfate minerals, most of the iron bearing minerals are likely to exist in the form of a variety of chemical molecular. The quantity and the distribution of iron minerals containing iron minerals are the most widely, followed by iron oxide.
The color of iron minerals is dark and dark, which has a key influence on the aesthetic value of the granite. Concentrated dark minerals in granite, stone plastic UV board are usually black or green. Pyrite, Marcasite and other iron containing minerals embedded in gabbro, forming a shining golden black stone plastic UV board. The arrangement and combination of iron bearing minerals in the stone plastic UV board, so that the color of natural stone is changed.
Iron sulfide is the granite from the main cause of yellow rust pollution, iron sulfide under normal temperature and pressure easily weathered hydrolysis, iron oxide is first generated and formation water limonite. Iron sulfide decomposition will leave the illusion of cubic pyrite, and some of the dissolution into many holes. If the iron oxide solution infiltration along the cracks, thereby forming a iron thin film, so that the stone plastic UV plate suffered pollution, reduce the impact of the stone plastic UV board gloss decorative effect. Second reasons for the destruction of granite are the black mica, which is easy to be stripped and easily weathered.
Iron bearing minerals in the stone plastic UV plate include iron carbonate, iron sulfide, iron oxide and iron containing silicate minerals. Because of the different composition of the iron bearing minerals in the UV plate, the effect of the UV plate is very different. Ankerite can make stone plastic UV board turned grey, amphibole minerals show green, punctate and linear distribution formed own rich color change produced by a certain pattern; chlorite will make the marble is green. The main reason of the surface rust of marble is because of the pyrite, the second is the magnetic pyrite, and other iron sulfide minerals, the pollution causes the same as the granite.
Stone plastic chemical composition of UV board, though not completely decided to stone plastic UV board security level, but main reason is that most of the stone plastic UV board itself rust, stone plastic UV board security can be said to be a considerable level of composition of iron containing.
It is the sum of all iron bearing minerals and the iron content of iron oxide on the surface of the stone plastic UV plate. Whether that stone plastic UV board, if they contain iron minerals in relatively stable iron containing silicate minerals, and not iron sulfide and iron film, stone plastic UV board that have a stronger resistance to weathering; on the contrary, Ruoshi plastic UV plate iron bearing minerals are mostly unstable iron sulfide, as iron content is low, stone plastic UV board anti weathering ability of poor.