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2016-05-23 10:58:09 文章來源:www.81577.com.cn

1、要常保持通風干燥。 石材怕環境濕度太大,水氣會對石材產生水化,水解及碳酸作用,產生水斑,白化、風化、剝蝕、銹黃等各種病變,摧殘石材。因此石材安裝環境要常保持通風干燥。仿大理石線條
1, to maintain ventilation and dry. Stone afraid of environmental humidity is too large, water and gas will produce hydration, hydrolysis and carbonic acid, resulting in water spots, bleaching, weathering, erosion, rust yellow and other lesions, the destruction of stone. Therefore, the stone installation environment to maintain ventilation and dry.
2、要立即清除污染。 所有石材均具有天然毛細孔,污染源容易順著毛細孔滲透到石材內部,形成污漬。防護劑不可能百分百長期阻絕污染,所以一旦有污染源倒在石材上一定要立即清楚,以防止滲入石材毛細孔內。
2, to immediately clear the pollution. All the stones are natural pores, sources of pollution along the pores easily penetrate into the interior of the stone, the formation of stains. Protective agent can not be 100 percent long-term stop pollution, so once a pollution source inverted in the stone must clear immediately, to prevent the ingress of stone pores.

3、要徹底保持干凈清潔。 不論是質地堅硬的花崗石(硬度HRs88-1114-7)或質地較軟的大理石(硬度HRs46-773-5)均不耐風砂及土壤微粒的長期折磨。因此要不時利用除塵器及靜電拖把徹底做好除塵及清潔的工作。商業空間入口入最好能放置除塵墊,過涉濾鞋子所帶之砂粒住家最好入門后換穿拖鞋,減少砂粒塵土磨損石材表面之機會。 石材地面保持干燥清潔
3, to completely clean and clean. Whether it is soft texture or texture hard granite (hardness HRs88-1114-7) (hardness HRs46-773-5) marble were not tolerant of wind sand and soil particles, the long suffering. So from time to time using electrostatic precipitator and mop thoroughly good dust removing and cleaning work. Commercial space entrance into the best placed for dust control mats, involved filter shoes with sand and live the best entry to change slippers, reduce sand dust wear the stone surface of the opportunity. Stone floors keep dry and clean
4、不可隨意上臘。 市場上的臘種類凡多,有水性臘、硬脂酸臘、油性臘、亞克力臘等等。這些臘基本上都含酸堿物質。不但會堵塞石材呼吸的毛細孔,還會沾上污塵形成臘垢,造成石材表面產生黃化現象。但若行人及貨物流通頻率極高的場所必須上臘,請專業保養公司指導用臘及保養為好。
4, can not arbitrarily wax. On the market where there is water type wax, wax, wax, stearic acid of oily wax, wax acrylic etc.. These waxes basically contain acid and alkali material. Not only will block the stone breathing pores, but also stained with dust formation caused by wax dirt, stone surface yellowing. But if the pedestrian and circulation of goods of high frequency places must use wax, please professional maintenance company guidance with wax and maintenance as well.
5、不可亂用非中性清潔劑。 為求快速清潔效果,一般清潔劑均含有酸堿性,故若長時間使用不明成份的清潔劑,將會使石材表面光澤盡失,且因非中性藥劑的殘留也是日后產生石材病變的主因。 石材地面定期保養維護
5, can not be indiscriminate use of non neutral detergent. For the sake of fast cleaning effect, general cleaning agent containing acid and alkali, so if long time use of unknown composition of cleaning agent, will make stone surface gloss lost and for non pharmaceutical neutral residue is the future of stone material pathological changes is the main reason. Regular maintenance of stone floor
6、要定期保養、維護光澤。 光靠除塵,清潔是無法讓亮麗的石材光澤持續保持不退的。在條件允許的情況下,建議定期請專業公司派人做保養及光澤再生的維護工作。諸如:使用結晶液讓大理石面再結晶、或使用拋光粉讓大理石或花崗石面再生光澤、或使用拋光粉讓大理石或花崗石面再生光澤、或使用透氣性的光澤保護劑等等,均可讓你的石材永保如新。
6, to regular maintenance, maintenance gloss. Light by dust, clean is not to let the bright stone luster continued to keep not back. Under the conditions permit, it is recommended to regularly ask Professional Company to send people to do maintenance and gloss of the maintenance of regeneration. Such as: the use of liquid crystalline make the marble surface recrystallization, or the use of polishing powder for marble or granite surface regeneration gloss, or the use of polishing powder for marble or granite surface regeneration gloss, or use the ventilation of glossy protective agent and so on, can let your stone permanent insurance as a new.