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2017-02-01 09:15:00 文章來源:www.81577.com.cn

The surface with the marble line is through special processing, the surface of the seat marble line more environmental protection, fire prevention, waterproof, and with the development of society, the emergence of imitation marble lines, has brought great benefits to the green life, but also in line with imitation marble decoration design, convenient than natural dust. And imitation Dali overall visual sense to fashion gorgeous, imitation marble line, has brought great benefits to the green life, and imitation marble lines with decoration, compared to natural marble is not easy to scratch, but also easy to dust, and then face imitation marble line is specially treated.
大理石線條的表面更加的環保、防火、防水等,而且整體的視覺感官給人時尚華麗、高端大氣的效果。 而且仿大理石線條的環保節能方面是很好的,因為天然的石材早晚有用完的一天,而仿大理石線條的出現就為解決了這一難題,而且仿大理石線條的抗龜裂性能比較好,因為其具有一定的柔韌性,所有能夠很好的遮蓋住墻面的細小裂紋,而且價格相比天然的大理石,仿大理石的價格要便宜很多。 在仿大理石線條安裝的時候,要將墻面的基礎處理好,一般我們安裝仿大理石線條的時候,裝修師傅采用有云石膠、結構膠、玻璃膠等,而使用最多的膠,所以在安裝大理石線條的時候使用膠的,有的也是用水泥,但是使用水泥的話墻體 會凸出一塊,影響美觀。大理石線條的價格相比大理石要便宜很多,從十多塊到幾百元都有,一般是要看你選擇的是很么廠家的仿大理石線條,而且不同品牌的仿大理石規格也會有所不同,所以我們購買的時候要先選擇好什么品牌的,還有的就是仿大理石的價格會受規格影響。小編就為大家說幾個不錯的仿大理石線條廠家的價格。仿大理石線條物美價廉,質量好,顏色好,立體感更好。
The surface of the marble line is more environmental protection, fire prevention, waterproof, etc, and the overall visual sense to the fashion gorgeous, high-end atmosphere effect. And environmental protection and energy saving imitation marble line is very good, because of natural stone and have run out one day, and the emergence of marbling imitated for solving this problem, and the anti cracking performance of imitation marble lines is better, because it has a certain flexibility, all can well cover the walls the small cracks, but compared to the price of natural marble, imitation marble prices are much cheaper. When the imitation marble line installed, should be the fundamental processing of metope is good, when we install imitation marble lines, decoration master with marble glue, structural adhesive, glass glue, and the most used glue, so the glue used in the installation of marble lines, some also with cement, but the use of cement the wall of bulge affect the appearance. Compared to the price of the marble marble line would be much cheaper, from more than and 10 to several hundred dollars, the general is to look at your choice is very not imitation marble manufacturers, and different brands of imitation marble specifications will be different, so we should first choose a good buy what brand, there is imitation marble the price will be affected by the influence of specification. Xiaobian for everyone to say a few good imitation marble line manufacturers price. Imitation marble line cheap, good quality, good color, three-dimensional feeling better.