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2016-06-03 16:21:16 文章來源:www.81577.com.cn

Elevator door crystal face processing is elevator door covers the most ideal method of elevator door maintenance of, and after the crystal surface treatment, stone surface molecules are more dense, brightness is improved obviously, stone face more beautiful, more noble. The elevator door can make the elevator door bright waxing. Jinan Hao Hui building elevator door generally divided into two kinds of polishing, grinding polishing and waxing polishing in two ways, you know the way what is the difference? Here to give us a talk about:
Image difference
1 、電梯門套磨塊打磨拋光是晶面護理電梯門套護理的前奏,護理拋光后光度高、清晰度高,耐磨、耐踩,不易刮花,是電梯門套使用功能的真實體現和價值延伸。
1, the lift door grinding block polishing is crystal face care elevator door nursing prelude, nursing after polishing, high luminosity, high definition, abrasion resistance, resistance to tread, not easy to scratch is extended value and reflect the true function of the elevator door.
2 、電梯門套打蠟拋光后的光度低,光度不清晰、而且很模糊,不耐磨、不耐水,易刮花、氧化變黃使電梯門套本質形象降低。

2, elevator door waxing and polishing after low luminosity, luminosity is not clear, and very fuzzy, abrasion resistance, water resistance, easy to scratch, oxidation yellowing reduce the elevator door nature of the image.
Extension and operation difference
1 、電梯門套磨塊拋光后的晶體層和晶體層的持續護理(俗稱晶面護理)后,其毛孔不存在完全封閉,電梯門套照樣可以里外透氣,電梯門套不易病變。同時具有一定的防水、防污作用。
1, the lift door abrasive polishing block crystal crystal layer and layer of continuity of care (commonly known as crystal face care), the pores does not exist completely closed, the elevator door can still inside and outside air, elevator door difficult lesions. At the same time, with a certain waterproof, anti fouling effect.
2 、電梯門套打蠟拋光后,電梯門套毛孔被完全封閉,電梯門套不可以里外透氣,所以電梯門套容易產生病變。
After 2, elevator door waxing and polishing, the pores of elevator door is completely closed, the elevator door can not be inside and outside air, so the elevator door prone to disease.
3 、電梯門套磨塊拋光后的晶體層和晶體層的持續護理具有易操作性,不需要清洗劑清洗地面,可以直接磨塊配合清水磨拋和藥劑干磨。可以隨時磨拋與護理,可以局部操作。電梯門套表面顏色無新的反差。
3, elevator door grinding polishing block crystal crystal layer and layer of continuity of care and operation is easy, do not need to cleaning agent to clean the floor, can be directly grinding block with water grinding and polishing agent dry grinding. Can be polished at any time and care, can be local operation. The elevator door surface without new color contrast.
4 、電梯門套打蠟拋光后,經過一段時間后,需要除掉已經殘舊的蠟層,需要使用起蠟水。需同時大面積操作施工,不可局部施工,局部施工后則表面有色差出現。
4, elevator door after waxing and polishing, after a period of time, need to get rid of the residual wax layer has the old, need to use wax water. At the same time a large area of the operation, not local construction, local construction after the surface there is a color difference.
realistic meaning
1 、電梯門套在經過拋光磨塊拋光后,光度可達90-100度,還原了電梯門套出廠時的光度,實現了電梯門套價值再現。晶面處理護理時,可以更省時、省力、節約成本,更具耐磨性能。 電梯門套打蠟拋光后,其表面光度下降,模糊不清晰,降低了電梯門套的功能價值,不具觀賞性。
1, the lift door after after polishing grinding block polishing, luminosity can reach 90-100 degrees, the reduction of the magnitude of the elevator door factory., the elevator door value of reproduction. Crystal surface treatment, can be more time saving, labor saving, cost saving, more wear-resistant properties. Elevator door waxing and polishing, the surface luminosity decreases, blurred, reducing the functional value of elevator door, not entertaining.
2 、由以上本質與表象區別可以發現:電梯門套打蠟拋光必定被淘汰,淡出市場。由于電梯門套打磨拋光晶面護理的工藝原理與方法更先進、能使電梯門套更具觀賞性和延長其使用壽命,所以電梯門套打磨拋光晶面護理將一路高歌,出現新一輪的高潮與競合。
2, from the above essence and appearance difference can be found: elevator door waxing and polishing must be eliminated, out of the market. The elevator door grinding polishing crystal face care process principle and method of more advanced, can make the elevator door more ornamental and prolong the service life, so the elevator door grinding polishing crystal face care will be all the way singing, a new round of climax and concurrence.