我們本著“以質量求生存 ,靠管理出效益,憑信譽贏口碑,以實干筑輝煌”的經營理念,公司將立足于當代建材現代化發展前沿,依靠科技、勇于探索,以優質產品優良服務、信譽與廣大用戶攜手共創輝煌。
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2018-06-13 10:37:13 文章來源:www.81577.com.cn
In the evening of June 12th, the weather forecast showed that there was thunderstorm in June 13th. There is no trace of rain. We must learn to see clouds and weather. Haha, there is no sign of rain yet. We also need to learn to understand the style of decoration, and we should learn to observe the color of modeling.
Next, elevator door manufacturers will give you this opportunity to learn. What is the design concept of American style? How much do you know? If you know, you can omit, do not look, if you do not know, then take a good look at it!
第一、線條簡單 白色線板:線條簡潔的浮雕線板應用,已是美式輕鄉村風格的必要理念,也是需要對稱感的視覺美感,可以應用在門片、頂邊框上等。
First, line simple white line board: the simple line plate application, is the American style light rural style necessary concept, but also a sense of symmetry of the visual aesthetic, can be applied to the door, top border and so on.
第二、文化墻和 瓷磚應用:磁磚一直是美式風格家庭中比較重要的一員,客廳的文化墻及廚房、衛浴的主墻面拼貼菱形磁磚,增加空間的精致感,還顯示上檔次的感覺。
Second, cultural wall and ceramic tile application: the magnetic brick has always been an important member of the American style family. The cultural wall of the living room and the main wall of the bathroom and the main wall of the bathroom are collage of diamond shaped tiles to increase the sense of space and display the sense of grade.
第三、壁爐元素 突出溫馨:壁爐造型可以為房間內帶來美式風格的溫馨感覺!比如壁爐造型打造視聽柜,這樣添加了美式風格元素,還使得空間中的造型多樣化。
Third, the fireplace elements highlight the warmth: the fireplace shape can bring the warm feeling of American style to the room. For example, to create audio-visual cabinets in the shape of fireplace, so that the American style elements are added, and the shapes in space are diversified.
第四、拱門造型 別有情調:不但有色彩與線條,還能用拱門或方格造型為空間添加隔斷,若餐廚區之間設置拱門造型,既可以起到分隔的作用,又添加了美式風格的元素
Fourth, the arches don't have the emotion: not only the color and the line, but also the arch gate or the square shape to add the space. If the kitchen area is set up between the arches, it can not only play the role of separation, but also add the elements of American style.